Friday, November 14, 2014

2009 Lost Memories

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Director: Lee Si-myung

Cast: Jang Dong-gun, Toru Nakamura, Seo Jin-ho, Miki Yoshimura, Shin Goo, Ken Mitsuishi, Shōhei Imamura, Kim Min-sun, Masaaki Daimon, Nobuyuki Katsube, Lee Sa-pi, Woo Sang-jeon

Production Co: Unknown

Genres: Action | Sci-Fi | Drama

Runtime: 135 min

Country: South Korea

Release Date: 2002

Storyline: Imagine the world and age that you live in unfolding under slightly different circumstances -- what would life be like if our familiar history took a different route? Instead of fighting each other, Japan and the United States have teamed with one another to bring down Hitler during World War II -- and instead of bombs being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Enola Gay flew its fateful mission over Berlin, effectively bringing an end to the Nazi reign of terror. When a terrorist attack unleashes destruction upon a museum housing a collection of priceless ancient artifacts, J.B.I. Agent Masayuki Sakamoto (Jang Dong-Gun) discovers an underground band of freedom fighters willing to pay the ultimate price to acquire the mythical "Lunar Soul." As the mystery comes into light and Sakamoto discovers that everything he has ever known could be little more than a complex illusion, political intrigue and speculative science fiction combine to bring viewers one of the most compelling and original fantasy films that South Korea has to offer.

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