Thursday, October 30, 2014

Christian Bale Analysis of Moses Generates Controversy...

After Noah (2014 film) with Russell Crowe, another upcoming biblical epic film entitled, Exodus: Gods and Kings's making is way to the theaters.
Directed by Ridley Scott the film is an interpretation of the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt as led by Moses and related in the Old Testament Book of Exodus, and will count with stars as Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, John Turturro, Aaron Paul, Sigourney Weaver, and Sir Ben Kingsley.

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With a release date scheduled to December 12, 2014 (United States Release), the film's already generating some controversy as it seems that Christian Bale (the lead actor) recently did an interview that offended a lot of Christian writers.

At a Los Angeles press conference, Bale spoke about how complex his character (Moses) was, and said:

"I think the man was likely schizophrenic and was one of the most barbaric individuals that I ever read about in my life... He was a very troubled, tumultuous man and mercurial. But the biggest surprise was the nature of God. He was equally very mercurial."

Bale as Moses
(Image Source by
Brian Godawa, the writer of a book series entitled Chronicles of the Nephilim, wrote on his blog:

"Look, Bible heroes are NOT perfect sinless creatures. Only Jesus fits that bill. Yes, Moses murdered a man, and he had a character arc that went from being adopted and raised as a pagan Egyptian to a conversion to his troubled and tumultuous faith. He had difficulty trusting Yahweh. He didn’t want to be God’s spokesman because he stuttered. And he even had arguments with God.

But Schizophrenic? Barbaric? Really?"

Ramesses II (Joel Edgerton) and Moses (Christian Bale), brothers and enemies by faith
(Image Source by
Chris Stone (founder of the "Faith Driven Consumer" Online Forum) argued that there is no biblical evidence to support Bale's comment about Moses having schizophrenia:

“There’s nothing in the biblical history that supports that...It’s an indication that there will be a tremendous disconnect between Bale’s interpretation and the expectations of the market.”

Commenters of The Hollywood Reporter also disapproved Bale's statements and shared a few comments:

"These Hollywood clowns just don't get. You insult the Bible, you insult people in the Bible...and then you beg Christians to go see your film??"

"Yeah, I don't think so. Thank you Bale for making it so easy to boycott this film."

"This is what Hollywood does. They grab material that's been made dozens of times before. Things we've already seen. They twist it and distort it till its completely unrecognizably s*** and then shove it down our throats. Thanks for ruining another great story."

"Free speech, yes. But man -- none of these actors would ever say these kinds of thing about pillars of other faiths."

It's possible that the controversy will end up helping at the box office, it sure helped Noah (2014 film), let's hope the same for Exodus: Gods and Kings.

Text Source by and Wikipedia

Movie Official Trailer:

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