Sunday, November 9, 2014

Walt Disney reveals the title of Star Wars seventh movie

Disney revealed today that the title of the seventh episode of the Star Wars cinematic series will be "The Force Awakens". The announcement reached the top trending topics on social networks and generated excitement and attracted generations of fans of the epic space opera. The film saga made it's first debut on theaters back in 1977 with, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, which fast became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon and one of the most profitable films ever.

All the previous titles reunited by historical order under the same poster
(Image Source by DeiNyght at
Filming began in Britain in May, and several original cast members like, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker, will return to reprise their roles alongside several new hires like, Lupita Nyong'o, Gwendoline Christie, Crystal Clarke, Pip Anderson, Christina Chong, Miltos Yerolemou, Greg Grunberg, Warwick Davis, and much more, whose roles remain undetermined for the time being.

The Force Awakens is intended to be the first film of a new trilogy that will serve as a sequel to the Return of the Jedi, and is scheduled for release on December 18, 2015.

Text Source by and Wikipedia

Movie Official Trailer: Coming Soon!

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